Tuesday, December 6, 2011



Talking w/ Mike tonight, he told me about Liz keeping a spread sheet of all the books she's read.  Man I wish that I had thought of that.  It would be really cool to look back over the years and see what I read and when.  I also realize that the list of books that I read would be much less inspiring, and not as "deep".  Mike asked what kind of books I read, and from my last few posts it looks like I only read tween-y fantasy.  Not so- but that's what Brooke is into lately, so I read all of her books also.  I also read books for her school's book club.  I like western's, mysteries, drama, and not so much love stories.   

On that note- I went back through the books I have read in the last month or so, and came up with a few of the titles.  I know there were a few more, but these are the one's I remember.  There were a couple of favorites from when I was Brooke's age: Across Five Aprils- I've read several times over the years, young kids book but still good
Westing Game- One of my favorite mysteries.  
Ah well, nothing inspiring, but fun to think about just the same! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hayley's Books

So- I don't know if you check this, Hayley, but if you do, could you give me quick run down of your book list? I have read many of them, but there are some that have me intrigued. I realized tonight that you and I read along the same lines, so I am excited to expore more of your "favorites". If you have time, could you point out which ones are on the top of your list? Uglies- Read Harry Potter- Read The Zion Covenant- Think i read? Anything by Victoria Holt- Read, over and over World War II Non-Fiction (The Hiding PlaceLOVE!! I read this every year but I haven't ever read-, I Have Lived a Thousand Years- just as good?) Sarah’s Key- ???? These is my Words- ??? A ustenland- ?? As in Jane Austen? Enchantment- Hmmm, sounds familiar The House of the Scorpion- ?? Doesnt' even ring a bell Ella Enchanted- both brooke and I loved it and are branching into her other works The Hollow Kingdom Series- ?? Intrigued I am :)

Septimus Heap

I admit that the cover of the book is what caught my attention. We were in the Youth department at the book store, trying to find a book series for Brooke , when I spied a display of the Septimus Heap books. There are five total in the series, I just finished number two. They are written like a Harry Potter/ Fable Haven- not to deep, lots of symbolism, and excellent for your imagination. Completely kid appropriate (I'll probably use this as a read aloud for my kids this summer) and fun for adults too. **This is with the note that everyone reading this post knows that I like books that I can read and and enjoy, but that don't cause me to think too much. Reading is my hard earned reward at the end of the "motherhood" day. ****Not that I am shallow or anything, and I can choose to read those books if I want to, I just don't want to. ********And i think that anyone who does is simply amazing. and maybe they should raise one or two of my children. ***********************Or maybe three of them. Preferably one of them is the one not potty trained. just kidding. honest

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Percy Jackson

I posted before about liking to read books that my kids are reading, and this is one of them. I volunteered to lead a book club at the junior high, hoping to get my foot in the door before Brooke makes it there next year. Percy Jackson was a book that Brooke was interested in reading, as were my book club kids. I have to admit that it was a fun book, quick and easy, and who doesn't like Greek Mythology? If you're 12 you're going to love it. What does that say about me and my mental age?

Nicholas Sparks

I ran out of reading material this weekend. I have read almost every book in the house, and the babysitter club books hiding under Brooke's bed just weren't sounding so interesting.

So I broke down.

I can see you now, doing the slow motion "Nooooo" scream at the computer screen. The scream that we all do when seeing the heroine of the movies walk down the dark hallway with only a rolled up newspaper as defense. Alas, like the heroine, I took that long dark walk.

I don't know if you've ever read Nicholas Sparks, but if you haven't- start the book with every expectation that in his world there are no happy endings. He believes in people finding their soul mate, an amazing person that they have been looking for their entire lives, and then he kills them off and leaves the person at the end of the book alone....again.

"The Gaurdian" and "The Notebook" were based on his books. All movies I will never see.

So here I sit, feeling sad that the world has so many people with such huge losses in their life. And I have now lost 6 hours of my life. And I have had my good cry for the month.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fablehaven Series

I have realized something about my reading "likes" and "dislikes". I like books that are easy to read, quick to get through, and capture my interest from the start. I don't like books that have broad social agenda's, or that are slow to start- or slow to keep up. I don't have a lot of free time these days to read, and yet it is my favorite escape. Last, I like to read books that my kids are reading...just checking up on them, and it makes for great conversations with my kids.
All that being said, anyone reading this will have to take my book recommendations as they are!
I have been told by several people that the Fable Haven series was really good (since Alisha is probably the only one reading this, and she's one of those people, this post is moot). But in case anyone else out there is looking for a set of books that are fun, easy reads- the imagination behind these captured my 12 year old side and kept me reading for several days!