Tuesday, December 6, 2011



Talking w/ Mike tonight, he told me about Liz keeping a spread sheet of all the books she's read.  Man I wish that I had thought of that.  It would be really cool to look back over the years and see what I read and when.  I also realize that the list of books that I read would be much less inspiring, and not as "deep".  Mike asked what kind of books I read, and from my last few posts it looks like I only read tween-y fantasy.  Not so- but that's what Brooke is into lately, so I read all of her books also.  I also read books for her school's book club.  I like western's, mysteries, drama, and not so much love stories.   

On that note- I went back through the books I have read in the last month or so, and came up with a few of the titles.  I know there were a few more, but these are the one's I remember.  There were a couple of favorites from when I was Brooke's age: Across Five Aprils- I've read several times over the years, young kids book but still good
Westing Game- One of my favorite mysteries.  
Ah well, nothing inspiring, but fun to think about just the same! 

1 comment:

  1. add to the list Austenland (Finally, from our very first book club book), The Caulder Game, The Wicket Chronicles (another Brooke Book), Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Brant book, and surprisingly humorous)
