Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hayley's Books

So- I don't know if you check this, Hayley, but if you do, could you give me quick run down of your book list? I have read many of them, but there are some that have me intrigued. I realized tonight that you and I read along the same lines, so I am excited to expore more of your "favorites". If you have time, could you point out which ones are on the top of your list? Uglies- Read Harry Potter- Read The Zion Covenant- Think i read? Anything by Victoria Holt- Read, over and over World War II Non-Fiction (The Hiding PlaceLOVE!! I read this every year but I haven't ever read-, I Have Lived a Thousand Years- just as good?) Sarah’s Key- ???? These is my Words- ??? A ustenland- ?? As in Jane Austen? Enchantment- Hmmm, sounds familiar The House of the Scorpion- ?? Doesnt' even ring a bell Ella Enchanted- both brooke and I loved it and are branching into her other works The Hollow Kingdom Series- ?? Intrigued I am :)


  1. I read the house of the scorpian with brooks class this year. Interesting and intriguing, want to read the sequel. I also read Austenland, These is My Words.

  2. Oh my, It's been so long since I've been on this I forgot it was here! That's great you're reading along with Brooke's class! I'm reading the Lost Hero, another by Rick Riordan. Seriously liking it too!
