Friday, November 16, 2012

The Vampire Diaries

Okay, Opening myself up to criticism here, but I loved the whole twilight series. 
 Read all of them several times. 
 *yes, I may be 14 years old at heart*
And I know this has nothing to do with books, but since the last twilight movie came out yesterday, it has me thinking about how sad I am when they ruin a good book series with a crappy movies.  I have seen quite a few movies made from books that I LOVE (even though the book is almost always better, and they rarely do a good job of accurately representing the book in the movie, but I digress)...
The point here is- the twilight movies drive me crazy.  Mostly it's the casting.  Could they have chosen a less appealing Edward?  A weaker Bella?  Could they have offered them acting and breathing lessons?  Alas, I have found a way to fulfill my vampire show desires.  It's still sappy, a night time soap opera, but it's enjoyable to watch late at night when no one knows I am. 

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