Sunday, March 30, 2014

I have been enjoying leading a lunch time book club at Brooke and Brant's Middle School.  It's student directed (as in the kids choose what book they read and I get to read it and lead the discussion).  It's been interesting to see what books they choose, and to listen to what they thought about the book. 
3 character lines, all converging at a campground where a total eclipse is about to take place.  Good tweeny read about finding yourself.  Quick read in a few hours for me.

14 year old boy goes to live with dad who is a famous rock climber.  Dad agreed to it because secretly he wants to have his son climb Mt. everest and break the age record.  Interesting because it's so factual, fun to learn about Mt. Everest.
This was a super quick book to read, but I liked the way the other used art  and colors as descriptors to involve the reader.  It brought up a lot of discussion with the students about foster care, and the support of families in our lives.

I have been trying to find books that will interest Brant, and then reading them along side of him (or in the case of The missing, I finished them off so I could move on to my own books...  he'll catch up!).  The Maze Runner was an interesting series based on a future solar flare catastrophe that infects the population of the world with a horrible disease. The three book series follows a group of children as they are forced through deadly trials to try to help find a cure.  It seems like so many questions were answered in the 3rd and final book that might have been good information to have in the first to help keep the reader going.  They were quite adventurous and Brant LOVED them. I am excited to see the movie come out this summer (2014).

More Brant Books.  Good quick reads, interesting premise- time travel.  By the end they kind of started sounding the same, but they were fun boy books.

This series came recommended from Aunt Sanna, and I brought Brooke in on them as I figured they were right up her ally (and I was right!!!).  I loved the books, so much more then the Hunger Games.  That is, until the third one.  I only made it half way through that one.  The Author changed her writing style and the narrative voice, and even the characters personality seemed different.  I was happy with where I left it, and enjoyed creating my own ending (especially since word is that the ending of book 3 leaves much to be desired).  I hate it when author's do that!
I have to admit that I have also added stupid books to my list this last month or two.  But they are so fast to read, and it's fun to put myself into a completely stupid world with a little bit of romance but not icky and gross.  There is nothing note worthy about any of these books, but with Blair on the road so much with basketball this winter, they were easy to read late at night!  :)



  1. You are so awesome! What a great way to get involved! Thanks for the ideas! I'm going to have to read some of them.

  2. We need to start posting on this more often. Thanks for doing it Jen!
