Friday, November 16, 2012

The Vampire Diaries

Okay, Opening myself up to criticism here, but I loved the whole twilight series. 
 Read all of them several times. 
 *yes, I may be 14 years old at heart*
And I know this has nothing to do with books, but since the last twilight movie came out yesterday, it has me thinking about how sad I am when they ruin a good book series with a crappy movies.  I have seen quite a few movies made from books that I LOVE (even though the book is almost always better, and they rarely do a good job of accurately representing the book in the movie, but I digress)...
The point here is- the twilight movies drive me crazy.  Mostly it's the casting.  Could they have chosen a less appealing Edward?  A weaker Bella?  Could they have offered them acting and breathing lessons?  Alas, I have found a way to fulfill my vampire show desires.  It's still sappy, a night time soap opera, but it's enjoyable to watch late at night when no one knows I am. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress

Currently reading "Mennonite in a Little Black Dress".  While I would have to put an * with a side note stating it's a very blunt book and there are a couple of conversations, that while I can imagine having them with my sisters, I wouldn't want them published.  Nothing too over the top, but borderline cringe maybe?  That being said, I've really enjoyed the book so far (not quite finished, something about being a mom and house work and running kids places seems to infringe upon my reading time).  It's been interesting to me reading and mentally comparing the female Mennonite view point on life with the female Mormon outlook.  It seems that while they outwardly live a very strict religion, it's not that different from Mormonism, along with the same concerns and worries.