Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Author...Torey Hayden

I have read quite a few of Torey Hayden's books, and every one touches my heart- makes me angry at life and amazed at children's ability to over come circumstances beyond their control. The books can be graphic in their description of the abuse the children have suffered, but it's not in a crude way- more clinical to help you understand them. Torey is the reason I wanted to go into special ed- the reason I will someday go back to school and get my master's in special ed/ emotionally disturbed children. I don't know if these books are anything that any of you would like, but I enjoy the way Torey writes.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you and I are the only ones who check this blog anymore Jen but thank you for the idea. I have been lacking something to read. Just one question. Are these ones that my over emotional self is going to be even more emotional? Which one do you recommend I read first?
