Saturday, July 31, 2010

Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister

I don't know if anyone ever checks this site, but I thought I would add a note about a book I just finished. I have heard from lots of you about great books you have also read, but I always forget what they are called, so maybe you could post them here?

Either way, I just finished a fun book called Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister. It takes the Cinderella and retells it from the step sister view. It is a fun twist on a common story, and I really enjoyed it. Not my normal read, but something I think you guys would enjoy!


  1. I've posted in the last month but I don't think anybody but me and you checks this blog anymore. Sad because I would so love to share books with everyone. So I do have a question about this book. Is it one that is juvenile enough to read out loud to Emma? I can see her really liking a story like that but it has to be age appropriate before I'll do it. Thanks for the book tip, I'll check it out.

  2. I don't think that she would enjoy it. It really isn't geared for young children, not just the story line, but the vocabulary and imagery would be over her head...but maybe not. I would suggest you read it and then judge it from there. Go for the Box Car children for something to read aloud to her. My kdis also love Junie B. Jones (but mom hates her!) because she is SO real, but she can also be a little bit naughty- but that is where I can find the humor. The Lib. has some really good books on CD that the kids love to listen to also..

  3. Hey! I didn't know this was here! Who is the author of this wonderful site, or did I know it once and forgot? Hayley did something like this a while ago. Loves, Mom

    By the way, I read the ugly step sister and enjoyed it a lot. Is this book borrowed from you Jenny? I can't remember where I got it.
