Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fablehaven Series

I have realized something about my reading "likes" and "dislikes". I like books that are easy to read, quick to get through, and capture my interest from the start. I don't like books that have broad social agenda's, or that are slow to start- or slow to keep up. I don't have a lot of free time these days to read, and yet it is my favorite escape. Last, I like to read books that my kids are reading...just checking up on them, and it makes for great conversations with my kids.
All that being said, anyone reading this will have to take my book recommendations as they are!
I have been told by several people that the Fable Haven series was really good (since Alisha is probably the only one reading this, and she's one of those people, this post is moot). But in case anyone else out there is looking for a set of books that are fun, easy reads- the imagination behind these captured my 12 year old side and kept me reading for several days!


  1. this post is not moot for me because now we can actually do what this blog was set up for and have a conversation about the books. I loved the series!!! I loved how the story captured you from the beginning!! Brandon Mull wove such a fantastic story and the way he put it all together you couldn't help but be entertained. I also like how you can relate even just a little bit with the characters. For example, we know what it's like to have obnoxious brothers. And be honest, weren't there sometimes in the book you wanted to reach out and slap seth for being such an idiot.

  2. Yeah!! for Conversation!

    I totally wanted to slap Seth, in fact, it kept expecting him to have better manners after book 1- and he really didn't! I thought it was interesting how he took characters that all of us "assume" are imaginary, and made them plausible and real. There is a small part of me that almost wishes that they could be true- but I really wouldn't want to know about them in real life. I haven't read book 5 yet though, does the series end "well" and resolve everything? Nothing is worse in my mind then a series that leaves things hanging, questions unanwered and then tell us that "things are left up to our imagination". Really, it wasn't my imagination that started something, so I don't want my imagination to finish it!

  3. You crack me up Jen!! I never stopped wanting to slap seth throught the whole series. He is such an idiot!! But I do love the line about idiot points and awesome dollars. I liked the last book and I thought he did a really good job at tying up all the loose ends. Have you even started the book? I think you'll like it but then again you never know what others will like. Mom hated the last book of the hunger games and I'm almost finished with it and I've really enjoyed it. Let me know what you think of it when you are done.
