Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So I know that some of you have already read this series but I want to know what you think about it. I just finished the book the other day and I thought it was FABULOUS!! They didn't have the other two available at my library so I have been DYING waiting for them to arrive from another library. So here is this months challenge. If you haven't read it do it. If you have I want input and if you have read uglies but haven't read Pretties, read it and comment on it. I really do love this idea of an online book club so let's do it!!


  1. I did like the UGLIES book- and I went on to read the rest of the series. The first book was pretty good, left a lot of details out that I would have loved to hear about, but the other two books were a little dissapointing. It was like the author quickly wrote them to meet some least that is my opinion. Did you like all of them?

  2. Brooke is half way through the Ugly book right now. So far she says that she is loving it, and she's a pretty picky reader. I read it awhile ago, so the book is a little hazy. I don't remember that there was anything in there that she couldn't/shouldn't read. I do remember that the over all topic and message was pretty big and deep. She commented to me last night that being called a "Rusty" was a little offensive to her.
